- Wow! That's about all I can say! I am very impressed with
your updated site. I had no idea you were waiting to unleash this
beauty. Easy to find stuff, and I love the in-text links to other
- Wow, that looks fantastic... Thank you so much for doing
that, it is an invaluable resource for a collector like
- Nicely done! I didn't know many of the collectibles you have
showcased even existed.
- Fantastic job on everything... thanks for a great
- I've travelled through your site frequently and am very
pleased with what you ahve done. I deeply appreciate the large
amount of work that you've obviously put into this.
- I can see you have put a great deal of time into doing your
research, nice job!
- Beautiful. It is chock full of what I look for on-line,
information... my compliments on a site that actually makes me want
to read all of it.
- Wow! I must say I was very impresssed. This is truly the
ultimate source of information regarding Ultima games! That's
exactly the kind of thing that I've been looking for all along.
Needless to say, I added this site to my "favorites" instantly!
Now, if only there were more sites like this one!
- Your site is really awesome. -- Chris Charla,
Editor-in-Chief of Next
Generation magazine
- Quite a nice page. Actually spent about 45 minutes browsing
through it (which is an extremely long time for me
- Just got back from your Ultima page. You've packed a lot of
info in there and it looks good too. I didn't realize some of those
titles had so many versions. I still remember playing Ultima III
and IV on my C-64. -- Peter Scheyen, author of the INFOCOM Homepage
- I've done much reading about the [Ultima] games, and your
site HAS to be the most complete Ultima site in the
- We've been checking out your site, and we love it. I learned
all sorts of things, and I thought I knew Origin inside and
out... -- Jason MacIsaac, Editor-in-Chief of Gamesmania