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ULTIMA IV Transcript | |||
This transcript was taken during the time the Stranger from Another World began to undertake the Quest of the Avatar. Much of the corollary information was recovered from the technical notes of Kyle the Younger, author of the History of Britannia, and from the personal writings of the intrepid warriors Iolo and Shamino, who travelled with the Avatar during his famous Quest. Entries in capital letters were the words of the adventurers themselves. |
NAME: Iolo pronoun: He LOOK: Charming bard JOB: I play for the people. HEALTH: Good. PLAY: I play my lute and receive the good wishes of the people. COMP: If you treat someone else well then they will have reason to do the same. query: Do you like my music? YES: I would join thee! NO: A shame. NAME: Gweno pronoun: She LOOK: a charming jester JOB: I dance and sing for the children. HEALTH: Very well. DANC: Dance is good for the soul. BEGG: To give to a beggar shows compassion. query: Do you give to the needy? YES: Beggars are thankful for small donations. NO: Alas. NAME: a child pronoun: The child LOOK: a small child JOB: Singing HEALTH: Very happy. SING: The song goes Ho eyo he hum! HO E: It means Love to one and all! query: Do you like the song? YES: Then help us spread the word! NO: Too bad. NAME: a guard pronoun: He LOOK: A guard JOB: I guard the bridge. HEALTH: Good. BRID: Across the bridge our people dance and sing! GUAR: Yep. query: Would thou like to join them? YES: Remember, an open heart is the first step on the path to wisdom! NO: Then you have no business across the bridge. NAME: Pepper pronoun: She LOOK: A spicy woman. JOB: I am a fighting bard. HEALTH: Healthy. BARD: Bards know many things. RUNE: The rune of compassion lies at the end of a hall somewhere in this towne. query: Dost thou seek something? YES: What might that be? NO: Alas, I may have been able to help. NAME: Thevel pronoun: He LOOK: A seasoned fighter. JOB: I search for the mystery of the magic orbs. HEALTH: Fairly well. ORBS: A one-handed beggar knows their secrets! MAGI: Magic orbs. query: Hast thou seen him? YES: Only he knows the orb's gift! NO: Find him in Serpent castle for he knows of orbs! NAME: Joe pronoun: He LOOK: A drunken fighter JOB: Yo ho ho... and a bottle... of rum... hic... HEALTH: And a bottle of... STON: The yellow stone is in the dungeon Despise... RUM: Rum... hic... query: Give me rum?... YES: Thanxth... my friend Joe can help with the stones... hic... NO: Ah, be a joe! NAME: Cricket pronoun: He LOOK: A bard in green JOB: Shhh, I'm playing! HEALTH: Shhh SHHH: Yes, shhh! MANT: The mantra for the shrine of compassion is 'MU'! query: Now wilt thou be quiet? YES: Thanks. NO: I am going to call the guards! NAME: a guard pronoun: He LOOK: A cheerful guard. JOB: I am a guard of course! HEALTH: I am fully healed. GUAR: We guards have a lot of compassion. COMP: We always say: Let all others' troubles be as thine own! query: Dost thou kill non-evil creatures? YES: That does not show compassion! NO: Good. NAME: a child pronoun: He LOOK: A small child JOB: I am learning compassion. HEALTH: O.K. LEAR: The solution to ones problems often lies in solving others! COMP: Never care so much for thyself that thou cannot care for others! query: Know ye the mantra of compassion? YES: Good. NO: Ask Cricket! NAME: Shalimar pronoun: He LOOK: A tired shepherd JOB: I watch over the children. HEALTH: Good. CHIL: It takes a good deal of compassion to deal with children! COMP: Compassion strengthens the soul as knowledge tempers the mind! query: Have any kids? YES: Thou dost know what I mean! NO: Too bad. NAME: Sebastian pronoun: He LOOK: An injured person. JOB: I know a terrible secret! HEALTH: Not so well. SECR: Mondain's influence has not left the world! MOND: An artifact remains! I heard at Buccaneer's Den! query: Wilt thou find and destroy it? YES: Then ask at the pub there of the skull! NO: Oh. NAME: Shapero pronoun: He LOOK: A druid. JOB: I am looking for Julio. HEALTH: All right. JULI: He knows the true nature of compassion. COMP: Seek out Julio and ask him of compassion! query: Art thou on the Quest of the Avatar? YES: Find the shrine of compassion east across 2 bridges! NO: Too bad. NAME: Julio pronoun: He LOOK: A solemn bard. JOB: I seek the true nature of things! HEALTH: Solemn. NATU: All things have a true nature! COMP: Compassion derives itself from unending love! query: Dost thou know the true nature of all things? YES: Thou art a liar and a braggart. NO: No mortal can. NAME: Mentor pronoun: He LOOK: A wise shepherd. JOB: I escaped Magincia! HEALTH: I am well. MAGI: Pride was too great in Magincia! PRID: The city was destroyed by daemons for its pride! query: Art thou proud? YES: That is not a virtue! NO: Pride exists without truth, love, or courage! NAME: Sprite pronoun: She LOOK: A poor beggar. JOB: I have no job so now I beg! HEALTH: I fear I shall die of starvation! STAR: I have not eaten in a week! BEG: Please! Help me! query: Wilt thou help me? YES: In return I shall tell thee that Pepper knows of the rune! NO: I shall starve to death! |
NAME: Allen pronoun: He LOOK: A small boy. JOB: I know how to enter the abyss! HEALTH: I am fine. ABYS: The abyss may only be approached by ship! SHIP: The ship must have a magically strengthened hull! query: Hast thou such a vessel? YES: Ask Blissful of the abyss. NO: Ask Blissful of the abyss. NAME: Frontis pronoun: He LOOK: A small druid. JOB: Welcome to Cove, the hidden city of wisdom. HEALTH: I am well. WISD: Herein is found much wisdom and peace. PEAC: Find peace in our shrine. query: Art thou well? YES: Very good. NO: Visit our healers, I am sure they can help thee! NAME: Sloven pronoun: He LOOK: An old hermit. JOB: I am a recluse. HEALTH: I am well. RECL: I have withdrawn from society. STON: Only the ghost of Isaac who haunts the inn at Skara Brae can tell thee. query: Hast thou seen him? YES: Ask him! NO: Stay at the inn until he shows himself! NAME: Mentorian pronoun: He LOOK: A tall wizard. JOB: I study the magical arts. HEALTH: Well indeed. ARTS: There is truth in magic! GATE: Since thou dost bear the ankh I shall tell thee. A gate spell requires ash, pearl, and mandrake root! query: Dost thou disagree? YES: Well then, begone! NO: Good. NAME: the ankh pronoun: It LOOK: A shining ankh! JOB: I resonate with thoughts. HEALTH: Bright. CODE: To enter the codex chamber. CHAM: One must be 8 parts avatar, have the key of 3 parts, the word of passage and know the pure axiom! query: Dost thou seek help? YES: What are thy thoughts? NO: Oh. NAME: Paul pronoun: He LOOK: A strangely familiar bard. JOB: I play of love. HEALTH: I am well. LOVE: I light a candle to our love, in love our problems disappear. PROB: But all in all we soon discover that one and one is all we long to hear! query: Wilt thou listen? YES: About love. NO: Too bad. NAME: Linda pronoun: She LOOK: A singer. JOB: I sing of the children. HEALTH: Fine. CHIL All round the world, little children being born to the world. WORL Got to give them all we can 'til the quest is won, then will the work be done! query: Wilt thou help? YES: Teach them songs of joy! NO: Hmm. NAME: Merlin pronoun: He LOOK: A mystical wizard. JOB: I use magic. HEALTH: Fine. STON: The black stone is caught in a moon gate! GATE: Stand where the gate of both moons dark shall appear. Search when the moons go dark! query: Dost thou study magic? YES: Best of luck with thy studies! NO: Too bad. NAME: Draconian pronoun: He LOOK: An old druid. JOB: I teach the relation. HEALTH: I am well. RELA: There are eight possible combinations of truth, love and courage. Each of the eight virtues is one of those combinations! query: Knew ye this? YES: Very good! NO: Learn the towns and castles! NAME: Blissful pronoun: She LOOK: A majestic seahorse! JOB: I know much of the codex! HEALTH: I am doing well. CODE: The shrine ankh knows how to enter the chamber of the codex! ABYS: Meditate at the shrines of honesty, compassion and valor for 3 cycles to know how to enter! NAME: Rabindranath tagore pronoun: He LOOK: A wise man. JOB: I speak of love. HEALTH: I am old but strong! LOVE: In love, all life's contradictions dissolve and disappear. HEAR: Carry love within it! query: Dost thou seek to carry love in thy heart? YES: Thou art a good soul. NO: Thou art a fool. NAME: Brother Zair pronoun: He LOOK: An old druid. JOB: I sit and watch the river. HEALTH: I am well. RIVE: It flows endlessly. WORD: The kings of the castles which represent the three principles of virtue each know but one syllable of the word of passage! query: Agree? YES: Good. NO: Indeed. NAME: Spellbind pronoun: She LOOK: A slender mage. JOB: I know of the codex. HEALTH: Well indeed. CODE: One must know the combination of the three principles of virtue! COMB: The combination of the three principles of virtue equals the measure of time and space! NAME: Shaman pronoun: He LOOK: A tall mage. JOB: I study the 'one' thing that is the secret to the codex! HEALTH: Quite well. STUD: I study of the codex! CODE: The one pure axiom is more endless than the changing tides, more eternal than day and night! NAME: Charm pronoun: She LOOK: A fair sorceress. JOB: I ponder the key to the axiom. HEALTH: Well enough. KEY: To the axiom. AXIO: The 1 pure axiom encompasses all things. query: Know ye what they are? YES: Good. NO: The truths of the universe, the love of the heart, and the courage of the soul! NAME: Circe pronoun: He LOOK: A wise mage. JOB: I teach of the axiom! HEALTH: Well. AXIO: The whole of the axiom is greater than all its parts! PART: The measure of unending love, the limitless courage needed to face all obstacles,the truth which encompasses all things! |
NAME: Roofus pronoun: He LOOK: A mean looking guard. JOB: We guard the bridge slime! HEALTH: What's it to ya scumpuppy! BRID: This bridge ya stupid jerk! query: Art thou a wise #!? YES: Thou had best ditch it then! NO: Then just buzz off! NAME: Rankbreath pronoun: He LOOK: A tall, muscular, impressive guard. JOB: I am a guard. HEALTH: Very hungry! GUAR: I guard the city! HUNG: Yes, I am very hungry! query: Art thou here to feed me? YES: I am grateful. NO: Then thou had better run!!! NAME: Sailor pronoun: He LOOK: A scruffy sailor JOB: I am a sailor! HEALTH: Salty. SAIL: Oh, a sailor's life is the life for me, LIFE: As I sail across the bounding sea! query: The rest? YES: And never ever ever do I worry 'bout the weather, for the weather never ever did a thing for me! NO: Oh. NAME: Silver John pronoun: He LOOK: A tall sailor. JOB: I'm a pirate matey! HEALTH: Good enough, eh! PIRA: We raid the coasts of Britannia, fun eh! RAID: Pillage and burn! query: Art thou a pirate? YES: Good matey! NO: Thou had best leave this place 'fore there's any trouble! NAME: Slysam pronoun: He LOOK: A nimble thief. JOB: What's it to thee? HEALTH: As good as I need be! THIE: Yea, and clever too. CLEV: Thou dost ask too many questions! query: Art thou a thief? YES: Oh, I'd better watch out! NO: Just as I thought NAME: Ragnar pronoun: He LOOK: A solemn ranger JOB: I travel. HEALTH: O.K. TRAV: The lands of Britannia. SKUL: Be warned that if thou dost ever use the skull, except to destroy it, all thy virtues will be lost! query: Art thou here looking for information? YES: On what? NO: Then buzz off. NAME: Seanna pronoun: She LOOK: A slinky mage. JOB: I am a sorceress. HEALTH: I am well. MAGI: How about the sleep spell... sleep... sleep.... SLEE: A sleep spell requires but one part silk! sleep... sleep... sleep... query: My dear friend, may I help you? YES: How about with thy magic? NO: Ah NAME: Jeremy James Scirlock pronoun: He LOOK: A sneaky thief! JOB: At thy service! HEALTH: Very well! SERV: How about information? HYTH: The dungeon Hythloth can only be reached by a secret entrance in the great castle. query: Dost thou seek a special dungeon? YES: Which? NO: I cannot help thee. NAME: Starlight pronoun: He LOOK: A mage dressed all in black. JOB: I use black magic! HEALTH: Dark indeed. MAGI: I cast powerful magic missile spells. MIX: Try one black pearl and one part sulfurous ash! query: Dost thou? YES: Thou should try my mix of reagents! NO: Too bad. NAME: Brigant pronoun: It LOOK: A big fat troll. JOB: Aw, buzz off! HEALTH: Shove it! IT: Thy face! A: A query: Did thou hear me? YES: Then do it! NO: I said shove it! NAME: Boris pronoun: It LOOK: An ugly orc! JOB: I smuggle black market items. HEALTH: Good'n smelly. ITEM: Magic keys, magic gems, that sort of thing. query: Dost thou need such an item? YES: I just gave the guild shop a new supply! NO: Ah well, maybe next time. NAME: Ignap pronoun: He LOOK: A towering wizard. JOB: I must warn thee! HEALTH: Adequate. WARN: To step into those woods will seal thy doom! DOOM: In there lies the dark side, enter not! query: Shalt thou go on? YES: Evil shall consume thee! NO: Wise decision! NAME: Green Beard pronoun: He LOOK: A tall pirate with a green beard! JOB: I'm buying armour for my crew! HEALTH: Jolly good mate! ARMO: I hope to get some magical plate! NOWH: Oh, I see. query: Know where to buy mystic armour? YES: Where? NO: Wish I did! NAME: Marsor pronoun: He LOOK: A plump merchant JOB: I sell wine! HEALTH: Great! WINE: I have some good vintages. VINT: I own my own vineyards, they are on an isle northeast of here! query: Dost thou like wine? YES: Ah, then join me in a glass! NO: Don't know what thou art missing! NAME: Dancek pronoun: He LOOK: A jolly old soul. JOB: I am a tinker by trade. HEALTH: Jolly good, thanks. TINK: I create projectile machinery. MACH: Primarily ship cannons! query: Dost thou own a ship! YES: Good odds I built the cannons! NO: Thou really should get one! NAME: Sniflet pronoun: He LOOK: A cowering man. JOB: I am hiding. HEALTH: O.K. for now. HIDE: I know something others want! SOME: I... I... query: Wilt thou promise to use it only to aid the powers of good? YES: The lighter than air device that was stolen lies near the dungeon Hythloth! NO: Oh, no. |
NAME: Lord Robert pronoun: He LOOK: A stately baron JOB: I rule this province. HEALTH: Very well. PROV: My Lady Marcy can tell thee more! WORD: I know but one of three syllables. query: Dost thou wish to know it now? YES: It is 'amo' seek ye now the other parts! NO: Perhaps another time. NAME: Lady Marcy pronoun: She LOOK: A charming lady JOB: I rule with my Lord. HEALTH: Well. RULE: This province. PROV: Our people believe in love as a way of life and live it to the fullest! query: Dost thou seek love? YES: Then may thou find it! NO: Then thou shalt not find it! NAME: Suzanna pronoun: She LOOK: A lovely lady JOB: I am a lady in waiting. HEALTH: Overworked! LADY: I serve Marcy. HORN: There is a paladin by the name of Malchor. He can lead thee to the silver horn! query: Art thou allowed to be in here? YES: I doubt it! Thou should leave! NO: Thou should leave! NAME: Life. pronoun: It LOOK: An ankh JOB: I resonate thoughts. HEALTH: I exist. RESO: What are thy thoughts? LOVE: Seek ye the candle of love for only with it and two other parts might thou enter the abyss! query: Dost thou have it? YES: Good. NO: Ask the bard beyond the secret passage! NAME: the pass guard pronoun: She LOOK: A guard JOB: I guard the passages. HEALTH: Fine. PASS: There is no danger. DANG: Well not compared to a dungeon altar room! query: Hast thou solved the altars? YES: Good. NO: From them a three part key is gained, needed to enter the chamber of the codex! NAME: a gate guard pronoun: He LOOK: A guard JOB: A gate guard HEALTH: Top notch. GATE: To the abbey. ABBE: Here, in the oak grove many find the meaning of peace and love! query: Art thou saturated with love? YES: Then thou need not be here! NO: Visit the small shrine within the abbey! NAME: Derek the Bard pronoun: He LOOK: A young bard playing a lute. JOB: I am a bard, I sing songs. HEALTH: Pretty good. SONG: Oh, all types. CAND: The candle of love is found in a secret place hidden off Lock Lake! query: Dost thou like this one? YES: Thanks, I just wrote it! NO: Alas, it was new. NAME: Chinup pronoun: He LOOK: A small but stately child. JOB: I welcome thee unto the Abbey! HEALTH: Very well, thank you! GROV: A grove of oak. OAK: There four profession types seek truth! query: Art thou here in search of love? YES: Perhaps then the oak grove! NO: Perhaps then the oak grove. NAME: Diane pronoun: She LOOK: A tall woman. JOB: I counsel those who enter the grove. HEALTH: Good. COUN: Herein thou may find insights into love, within thyself or the others here in the grove. LOVE: Ask the others. query: Art thou the most loving person? YES: Doubtful! NO: Strive for love! NAME: Benjamin pronoun: He LOOK: A solemn bard. JOB: I relate love and compassion. HEALTH: Fine. LOVE: When the three combine in eight ways love alone is compassion. COMP: Of the eight avatar attributes compassion is derived from love alone. query: Art thou well? YES: Very good. NO: Too bad... NAME: Deirdre pronoun: She LOOK: A druid, lost in thought. JOB: I ponder love and justice. HEALTH: Fine. LOVE: When three build eight, truth tempered by love becomes justice! JUST: Justice is one of the eight avatar virtues and derives from truth and love. query: Art thou? YES: Most good. NO: I see. NAME: Thomas pronoun: He LOOK: A hearty tinker. JOB: I am thinking of love's part in sacrifice. HEALTH: Fine LOVE: Love of others and the courage to face even death is self-sacrifice. SACR: Sacrifice is built upon the motive of love and the ability of courage. query: Thyself? YES: Good. NO: Shame. NAME: Lastro pronoun: He LOOK: A solemn ranger. JOB: I follow the spiritual path. HEALTH: Most well. SPIR: My spirituality is not a religion, but a searching to know and improve my own inner being. BEIN My being is based on my own truth, love and courage. query: And thee? YES: Good. NO: So sad. NAME: Humlock pronoun: He LOOK: A mumbling beggar. JOB: I seek salvation HEALTH: Not so good. MUMB: The...ankh... spoke to me! SALV: I am but a poor destitute beggar I have nothing! query: Will you give me some money? YES: I would be soooo grateful.... NO: But I am in most dire need! NAME: Malchor pronoun: He LOOK: A bold paladin. JOB: I solve quests HEALTH: Just now fully healed! QUES: My last quest took me near Spiritwood. HORN: Some say that the silver horn is buried on a small isle off the tip of Spiritwood. query: Art thou on a quest? YES: Best of luck to thee! NO: Oh. NAME: Brother Antos pronoun: He LOOK: A wise druid. JOB: I hold great wisdom. HEALTH: I am getting old and frail. WISD: What dost thou ask of me? CAND: Thou dost need the candle of love to enter the abyss. query: Dost thou know where to find it? YES: Very good. NO: Meditate on love at our shrine. |
NAME: Geoffrey pronoun: He LOOK: A 6 foot 5, great warrior. JOB: I lead into battle! HEALTH: I am good and strong! WARR: A great warrior is a valiant warrior! BATT: I desire to fight again in battle! query: Art thou valiant! YES: Perhaps I could someday join thee! NO: To flee battle shows cowardice! NAME: Lord Robert pronoun: He LOOK: A mysterious warrior. JOB: I battle for Lord British! HEALTH: Outstanding! WARR: Thou must battle long and hard to be a warrior. BATT: Battles are few and too many! query: Are you a valiant warrior? YES: Thou dost deserve the rune, ask Nostro! NO: Thou art a wimp! NAME: Lady Donna pronoun: She LOOK: A 5 foot pregnant woman JOB: I watch over my sheep. HEALTH: Fine, all but the lump in my stomach. PREG: It's no fun to be pregnant. SHEE: I can't stand sheep! query: Why, art thou the father? YES: Wait till I tell my husband! NO: Thank god! NAME: Bengrod pronoun: He LOOK: A wounded fighter! JOB: I search the dungeons! HEALTH: Poor. DUNG: I fell in the dungeon 'Destard'. ROOM: Therein use the stones found in the connecting dungeons! query: Hast thou found its altar room? YES: It connects with Covetous, Shame and Hythloth! NO: Find it! NAME: Sir William pronoun: He LOOK: A noble fighter. JOB: I search for valiant fighters! HEALTH: Very well. EVIL: Kill not non-evil creatures but still always stand thy ground! KILL: Let them flee instead. never flee uninjured! query: Art thou valiant? YES: Strive ye to defeat all evil! NO: I see. NAME: Sir Hrothgar pronoun: He LOOK: A mighty warrior! JOB: I fight for valor! HEALTH: Excellent. VALO: The valiant soul fears not its own visage! SHRI: The mantra need be known, ask Aesop! query: Art thou the most valiant of souls? YES: This is not likely! NO: Thou should seek the shrine of valor! NAME: a guard pronoun: He LOOK: A stern guard. JOB: We guard the gates and these passages! HEALTH: Well. GATE: The gates of Jhelom. PASS: These passages are restricted. NAME: Aesop pronoun: He LOOK: A small man. JOB: I search for valor! HEALTH: Well enough. VALO: I find that 'tis easy to be brave from a safe distance! MANT: The mantra of valor is 'RA' use it in the shrine on the next isle! query: Know what I mean? YES: Thats my problem. NO: Thou art brave! NAME: Gravnor pronoun: He LOOK: A grave fighter. JOB: I search the dungeons. HEALTH: So so. DUNG: I seek the red stone. STON: It is found on an altar! query: Dost thou have it? YES: No wonder I can't find it! NO: It lies in the dungeon Destard! NAME: Senora pronoun: She LOOK: A beautiful mage JOB: I am locked up in this tower. HEALTH: Well enough. TOWE: I am being punished for my crimes. CRIM: Does not matter, I can help thee! query: Dost thou have a ship? YES: Then thou dost need a sextant ask the barkeep for he knows more! NO: Too bad. NAME: Nostro pronoun: He LOOK: A withering soul JOB: I built these passages and they walled me in! HEALTH: Very near death! PASS: This passage runs around the city! RUNE: The rune is buried in a tower! query: Wilt thou lead me out? YES: I am saved! NO: Thou art a cad! and I will still follow! NAME: Luke pronoun: He LOOK: A ranger with a far away look. JOB: I seek the inner light! HEALTH: Quite well. LIGH: I come from Skara Brae and am on my way to Yew. YEW: 'tis a city based in the virtue of justice! query: Hast thou been to Skara Brae? YES: A fine city! NO: 'tis a spiritual city! NAME: Max pronoun: He LOOK: The housekeeper. JOB: I am the housekeeper. HEALTH: Good! HOUS: I clean the rooms. ROOM: That's a strange one at the end. People often disappear. query: Is there some problem with thy room? YES: I am very sorry I will correct it right away! NO: Oh, thou had me worried! NAME: X pronoun: He LOOK: A strange person JOB: I seek the stone HEALTH: O.K. STON: The red stone. RED: Red is for valor a virtue of the avatar! query: Art thou an avatar? YES: Wow! NO: Then thou shalt need the red stone in one altar room to get the third part of a key! NAME: Slithe pronoun: He LOOK: A valiant warrior. JOB: I fight battles! HEALTH: Only minor wounds! BATT: True valor is seen not in the force of arms, but in the force of will! VALO: I display my valor in battle. query: Art thou valiant? YES: Then never flee unless the need is dire! NO: Coward. NAME: Timrod pronoun: He LOOK: A thin fighter. JOB: I fight with valor! HEALTH: Couldn't be better! VALO: There is no holier spot of ground than where defeated valor lies. BRAV: Be brave for there is much to dare! query: Art thou brave? YES: Fortune helps the brave! NO: Coward. |
NAME: Joshua pronoun: He LOOK: A wise mage. JOB: I can help. HEALTH: Well. HELP: The riddle! RIDD: If the eight philosophies of avatarhood combine into and are made from truth, love & courage... query: More? YES: What one thing creates and is created by all truths, all love & all courage? NO: Oh. NAME: Juliet pronoun: She LOOK: A fair maiden. JOB: I can help thee. HEALTH: Fine thanks. HELP: Seek ye to know how the eight virtues form into the three principles. ONE: Seek ye to know what one thing the three principles of virtue combine into! query: Know ye this? YES: Now the one! NO: Seek it! NAME: Jester Twin pronoun: He LOOK: A dancing jester JOB: To entertain. HEALTH: Perfectly hoppy! JEST: A jester needs a good bard! BARD: Our bard is very good. query: Dost thou like the music? YES: Then you should go to Britain for there lives the best! NO: A shame, we do! NAME: a guard pronoun: He LOOK: A burly guard JOB: I guard the castle and my liege! HEALTH: Great! GUAR A guard must be a valiant warrior! LIEG I serve Lord British! query: Art thou the most valiant warrior? YES: Then thou should be a guard! NO: Still flee not from battle! NAME: Le Chef pronoun: He LOOK: A person with a white hat. JOB: I am the chef. HEALTH: Well.. All but my finger, which I cut! FOOD: Food, glorious food, to cook is my life! COOK: Cooking is a practiced art. query: Do you eat? YES: Then thou should try my soup! NO: Then thou must be a spiritualist! NAME: a reaper pronoun: It LOOK: A reaper JOB: I kill adventurers! HEALTH: Not so good, no one to eat in here! KILL: There is a thing which can kill many! THIN: Knowledge of it is found at Buccaneer's Den! query: Will you seek this thing? YES: It brings great power! NO: Then thou must be stupid. NAME: a nameless prisoner pronoun: He LOOK: A ragged soul. JOB: I have none. HEALTH: Very poor. CRIM: Crime is an evil thing! PRIS: Here I pay for my crimes! query: Are you a pirate? YES: You may never complete thy quests, for evil makes not an avatar! NO: I hope that this is true! NAME: Zorin pronoun: He LOOK: A wise mage JOB: I am here to help thee. HEALTH: I am old, very old.... HELP: Seek help in the castles! CAST: Seek the Lycaeum, Empath Abbey, Serpent's Castle! query: Wilt thou go hither? YES: Find therein all named Antos and ask of the bell, book, and candle! NO: Alas. NAME: a guard pronoun: He LOOK: A burly guard JOB: I guard the castle and all within. HEALTH: Couldn't be better! GUAR: I guard the castle! CAST: The castle is fair and strong! query: Do you seek Lord British? YES: He is on the upper level in the throne room. NO: He will aid you if you are in need! NAME: Water pronoun: It LOOK: Water JOB: I hold a secret. HEALTH: Fine. SECR: To what? ALTA: There are three altar rooms which connect the bottom levels of all eight dungeons! query: More? YES: If the correct colors of stones are used in the altars, a key of three parts can be gained! NO: Oh. NAME: Shawn pronoun: She LOOK: A shepherdess both strong and beautiful. JOB: I watch the water. HEALTH: Well. WATE: It brings me peace. PEAC: I come from a proud city. query: Art thou proud? YES: Hmmm. NO: My towne was destroyed for its pride. The ruins lie on an isle at lat-K'J" long-L'L"! NAME: Seesha pronoun: She LOOK: An injured fighter JOB: I fight for my country. HEALTH: I have a grievous wound. WOUN: Deep. COUN: Britannia. query: Fight ye for Britannia? YES: Then seek out the smith named Zircon in Minoc for he made the mystic arms, only they will save thee in the abyss! NO: Hmm. NAME: Chuckles pronoun: He LOOK: A bouncing jester JOB: I am the royal jester HEALTH: Good, thanks. JEST: Welcome unto the castle Britannia! CLUE: Speak ye unto the waters of the well and ask of altars! query: Hast thou an ankh? YES: Then enter in peace! NO: Then why art thou here? NAME: a guard pronoun: He LOOK: A guard JOB: A guard HEALTH: Excellent GUAR: We guard the castle and its treasures. TREA: That is not your business. query: Do you mean to steal? YES: I believe you will find that an unfruitful venture. NO: Then please leave at once! NAME: Sheila pronoun: She LOOK: A solemn ranger JOB: I search for the inner light. HEALTH: I am well. LIGH: Seek inner light in the shrines! SHRI: Runes are needed to enter shrines! query: Dost thou know of mantra? YES: Good. NO: The mantra are chants needed to focus thy thoughts while meditating. NAME: Landri pronoun: He LOOK: A grim shepherd JOB: I am here to warn thee! HEALTH: I am fine, but thou must go back! WARN: Ahead lies a perilous place! PERI: Once thou enters thou may not return whence thee came! query: Wilt thou go on? YES: Then thou art doomed! NO: That is good. |
NAME: Robert Frasier pronoun: He LOOK: A stately baron JOB: I rule this province. HEALTH: Very well. PROV: My Lady Beth can tell thee more! WORD: I know but one of three syllables. query: Dost thou wish to know it now? YES: It is 'ver'! Seek ye now the other parts! NO: Perhaps another time. NAME: Beth Frasier pronoun: She LOOK: A charming lady JOB: I rule with my Lord. HEALTH: Well. RULE: This province. PROV: Our people believe in truth as a way of life and live it to the fullest! query: Dost thou seek truth? YES: Then may thou find it! NO: Then thou shalt not find it! NAME: a guard pronoun: He LOOK: A sleepy guard JOB: Guard the gate, guard the baron, guard the baroness, watch the towers.... HEALTH: Very sleepy. GUAR: I have been here for hours! HOUR: Yes, many hours! query: See why I'm tired? YES: It's hard work and long hours in the baronial guard! NO: Bum! NAME: Palamar pronoun: He LOOK: A wise old sage JOB: I am an old wizard, but have much to show! HEALTH: My bones ache but my mind is sharp! SHOW: Here in my telescope! TELE: Search there by the end, thou shalt find a knob. query: Dost thou see where? YES: Set the dial and thou shalt see! NO: Look!!! NAME: Father Antos pronoun: He LOOK: An old druid, who looks strangely familiar. JOB: I hold great knowledge. HEALTH: Old and frail, I've seen many quests! KNOW: What is it you seek? BOOK: Seek ye the book of truth where other books lie. query: Art thou on the quest? YES: May thou succeed! NO: Oh. NAME: Jon pronoun: He LOOK: A brawny guard. JOB: I guard the throne room. HEALTH: Bit tired. THRO: Throne of truth! TRUT: There are four townes that follow the principle of truth. query: Know which? YES: Good! NO: There are eight possible combinations of the three principles, there are eight cities! NAME: Scatu pronoun: He LOOK: A tall mage wearing strange armour. JOB: I advise. HEALTH: Well! ADVI: Thou would be well advised to visit the Seer often! ARMO: I wear mystic armour. query: Art thou a partial avatar? YES: When thou art 8 parts avatar, seek Zircon in Minoc and ask of mystics! NO: Alas. NAME: Estro pronoun: He LOOK: A short druid JOB: Research HEALTH: Why I am fine, you too I hope. REAS: I am looking for the book of justice! JUST: It must be here somewhere! query: Hast thou never committed *any* crime!? YES: I believe thou art boasting a lie! NO: Then speak to the judge in Yew! NAME: Tymus pronoun: He LOOK: A stately wizard JOB: To welcome thee! HEALTH: Very well, thanks! WELC: Yes, welcome to the Lycaeum, the keep of truth! FOUR: The dungeon altar rooms need 4 stones each! query: Know ye how many cities follow the principles of truth? YES: How many? NO: Travel and learn! NAME: a truth seeker. pronoun: He LOOK: A person lost in thought. JOB: I seek to know truth. HEALTH: I am in a meditative state. TRUT: The principle upon which I meditate. MEDI: Meditate at each shrine for 1, 2 and 3 minutes, then shalt thou know the paths of goodness! NAME: a fighter pronoun: He LOOK: An injured warrior. JOB: None now! HEALTH: My wounds are grievous! WARR: No more! WOUN: I lost in a dungeon altar room! query: Hast thou seen one? YES: Notice that each of the three rooms connect to four dungeons each! NO: They connect the dungeons unto each other! NAME: Lord Terence pronoun: He LOOK: A tall agile man JOB: I am the librarian. HEALTH: I am well. LIBR: Herein is the largest store of knowledge in Britannia except the codex! TRUT: Look under 't' query: Art thou looking for a particular book? YES: Which book? NO: Feel free to browse. NAME: Zajac pronoun: He LOOK: A flighty jester JOB: To entertain! HEALTH: Unhappy. ENTE: Ah, not now. UNHA: Because my friend Chuckles won't tell me his secret! query: Dost thou know chuckles? YES: Why dost thou not ask him for his clue! NO: He lives in the castle Britannia ask him of his clue! NAME: Catriona pronoun: She LOOK: A strong guard. JOB: To watch the treasures. HEALTH: Very good. TREA: The treasures are of great value! VALU: Yes, much gold. query: Dost thou intend to steal? YES: I shan't stop thee NO: Good, you had me worried! NAME: Nigel, at thy service. pronoun: He LOOK: A noble wizard JOB: I teach magical spells. HEALTH: Good enough. SPEL: I have a specialty! RECA: Yes, resurrection it takes ash, ginseng, garlic, silk, bloodmoss, and mandrake! query: Dost thou know what it is? YES: What do I call the spell? NO: Sorry. NAME: Shylock the Meek pronoun: He LOOK: A pitiful beggar JOB: I sit and beg oh... please... HEALTH: I am cold and sick! oh... please... BEG: Yes, please give me money! oh... please... SICK: I have the black plague! query: Wilt thou help me? Oh... please... YES: Oh... please... NO: Oh... please... |
NAME: Katrina pronoun: She LOOK: A shepherd. JOB: A survivor. HEALTH: Well. SURV: Magincia was destroyed by its pride. PRID: Pride flourishes in the absence of truth, love and courage. query: Art thou proud? YES: Thy efforts are meaningless. NO: Humility is the virtue that must overcome pride! NAME: Ghostly pronoun: It LOOK: A shadowy ghost. JOB: I haunt Magincia HEALTH: Undead in search of peace. PEAC: Peace I can never find, forever banished unto the realm of earthbound spirits. SPIR: Be not proud of thy little deeds lest ye too fall from the light! NAME: Skullface pronoun: It LOOK: A jabbering skeleton. JOB: I am a nobleman of great birth. HEALTH: Most superb. NOBL: Me and my brother are the last two of the great Meridid family. query: Thou hast heard of us of course, yes? YES: I thought so. NO: You must not be from near these parts! NAME: Casperin pronoun: It LOOK: A small ghost. JOB: To haunt this shop. HEALTH: Feeling a bit translucent. HAUN: A lot of haunting goes on round here. PRID: Seek ye the mantra for humility, ask ye Heywood! query: Know thee why? YES: Pride is the surest measure of goals never attained! NO: Pride! NAME: Faultless pronoun: It LOOK: A tall ghost. JOB: Oh, I just hang around! HEALTH: Been better. HANG: I was hung for my sin of pride! MANT: The mantra for pride, being the antithesis of humility, is 'MUL'. query: Art thou proud? YES: A grave sin! NO: Pride is evil's favorite sin! NAME: Heywood pronoun: It LOOK: A tall ghost. JOB: Haunt eternally. HEALTH: As well as can be expected. HAUN: Pride goeth before, shame cometh after! MANT: Faultless knows the mantra of pride ask him! query: Art thou proud? YES: Thou shalt find shame! NO: A proud soul surely knows not its worth! NAME: Slim pronoun: It LOOK: A skinny skeleton. JOB: I rattle my bones. HEALTH: A bit on the thin side. BONE: I did value myself far too greatly, that pride was my downfall. PRID: A terrible thing! query: Art thou always humble? YES: Doubtful. NO: Take no pride in humility, lest ye destroy it! NAME: Banter pronoun: It LOOK: A crumbling skeleton. JOB: I once held the silver horn. HEALTH: A bit bony. HORN: The silver horn must be used to pass the daemon guard of the shrine. SHRI: Wierdrum has been to the shrine of humility! query: Seek ye the horn? YES: Ask Demitry! NO: Oh. NAME: Demitry pronoun: It LOOK: A thin skeleton. JOB: I rattle my bones. HEALTH: 'bout the same as yesterday. BONE: Bones, them bones, them dry bones... HORN: The queen of love has a lady in waiting, she can tell thee more of the horn! query: Art thou dead? YES: Ah, too bad! NO: Watch out for Nate! NAME: Wierdrum pronoun: It LOOK: Rattling bones. JOB: I haunt, and I haunt, and I haunt! HEALTH: Haunted. HAUN: A haunting job takes more than a lifetime, it takes forever! SHRI: Yes, I have been to the shrine, it lies on the north bank in the isle of the abyss! NAME: Boozer pronoun: It LOOK: A dumpy ghost. JOB: I was once a powerful merchant! HEALTH: Hic... MERC: My wealth was boundless, I held great power! POWE: A proud soul surely knows not it's worth! query: Dost thou see? YES: The world goes on without me. NO: The world goes on without me. NAME: Bulbous pronoun: It LOOK: A fat skeleton. JOB: I run this shop. HEALTH: Couldn't be better. SHOP: Why, the food shop of course. SPOI: Well, we're expecting more any day! query: Can I interest thee in some rations? YES: Hmmm, our stock seems to have spoiled.... NO: I sell only the very best. NAME: Splot pronoun: It LOOK: A weeping skeleton. JOB: I regret. HEALTH: Been better. REGR: I was proud, strip thyself of conceits, only the humble are pure! HUMB: The root from which all virtues grow! query: Dost thou seek purity? YES: Then ask the snake of the rune and stone! NO: Fool! NAME: Ruskin pronoun: It LOOK: A blue ghost. JOB: I now try to understand humility. HEALTH: Not well. HUMI: The first test of a great soul is humility! RUNE: Ask the snake of the rune, just before it strikes! query: Dost thou seek to know humility? YES: Thou shalt need the rune! NO: A shame. NAME: Nate pronoun: He LOOK: A mean looking viper! JOB: I bring death to all life in Magincia! HEALTH: Bloodthirsty! STON: Those who seek the black stone need ask at the pub in Britain! RUNE: The sacred rune of humility was banished from this city. Ask Barren in Paws! NAME: Virtuebane pronoun: It LOOK: A horrible ghastly devil! JOB: I welcome thee to Magincia! Proud city of the high seas! HEALTH: Devilish! MAGI: Magincia fell unto the realm of darkness for the foundation of their virtue was ill-placed in pride! query: Art thou proud? YES: Good! NO: Ah. |
NAME: Julia pronoun: She LOOK: An agile tinker. JOB: I care for the poor. HEALTH: Well. CARE: Self preservation is the first law of nature; self sacrifice the highest rule of grace. POOR: Within this house are many poor and destitute souls. query: Wilt thou help? YES: I would join thee. NO: Bum. NAME: Zircon pronoun: He LOOK: A seasoned blacksmith. JOB: I forge weapons. HEALTH: Quite well. WEAP: I make the very best! MYST: Ah, yes, the mystic weapons, and armour, my greatest work! Those I gave unto Sir Simon and Lady Tessa. query: Seek thee a weapon? YES: Ask at the counter! NO: Hmmm. NAME: Bob the Beggar pronoun: He LOOK: A sickly little man. JOB: I have none, help me. HEALTH: I am very sick, help me! HELP: I need money to cure my sickness. SICK: I have terminal leg rot. query: Hast thou any money? YES: Then please share it with me! NO: Then join me and we can beg together! NAME: Linda Sue pronoun: She LOOK: A small muddy girl. JOB: I'm an undernourished beggar girl. HEALTH: I am hungry. HUNG: I have not eaten in days. FOOD: Oh, thou art a kind soul! query: Could thou spare a nibble of food? YES: I would greatly appreciate that. NO: Oh, I see. NAME: Gimble pronoun: He LOOK: A fading man. JOB: I shall die soon. HEALTH: I am barely conscious. DIE: I suffer from a tsetse byte! CONS: I will soon sleep forever. query: Could thou spare a gold piece so I may buy a last drink? YES: Remember Azure knows of the rune! NO: I am saddened. NAME: Jude pronoun: He LOOK: A ragged soul. JOB: To redeem myself! HEALTH: Ailing. REDE: I will not speak of my sin! SKUL: I used it! query: If I help thee wilt thou swear to only use it at the mouth of the abyss to destroy it? YES: It can be found at lat-P'F" long-M'F" on the darkest night! NO: Oh. NAME: Alkerion pronoun: He LOOK: An old ragged man. JOB: I am a peasant, I hear many things. HEALTH: I am old and weak. HEAR: What does thou wish to know? STON: The stone of sacrifice is orange in color and used in the altar rooms of love and courage! query: Seeketh thou? YES: Good luck. NO: Oh. NAME: Mike Ward pronoun: He LOOK: A stocky ranger. JOB: I am trying to get a room. HEALTH: Well enough. ROOM: I have travelled clear from Skara Brae. SKAR: The rune of our city is missing! query: Know thee of the rune? YES: It is the key to the shrine of spirituality! NO: It is not in Skara Brae. NAME: Alex pronoun: He LOOK: A teenage boy. JOB: I give out flowers. Here you are! HEALTH: Fine, thanks. FLOW: The way I figure it, if thou art kind to others they will have reason to be kind in return! KIND: Yes, give all that thou can unto the needy! query: Wilt thou give? YES: Good. NO: Alas. NAME: Shentis pronoun: He LOOK: A rotund tinker. JOB: I welcome thee unto Minoc, city of sacrifice! HEALTH: OK. SACR: Self-sacrifice is a needed virtue! VIRT: Avatars strive to be virtuous. query: Dost thou strive for virtue? YES: Then perhaps thou shalt become an avatar! NO: An avatar thou art not! NAME: Singsong pronoun: She LOOK: A cute bard. JOB: I sing songs! HEALTH: Very well indeed! SING: I sing songs! SONG: Very well, the raven sings, the raven saw and in the corn he sayeth 'CAH'. query: Dost thou like it? YES: Thanks. NO: Too bad... NAME: Damon pronoun: He LOOK: A meek shepherd. JOB: I stand here and think. HEALTH: Fine. THIN: Oh, just about things. MANT: Listen to the bard's song for in its verse lies the key! query: Can't a man just think to himself? YES: Well I hope so! NO: Oh, yes I can thou bandersnatch! NAME: Mischief pronoun: She LOOK: A happy tinker. JOB: This and that. HEALTH: O.K. I guess. THIS: And that... RUNE: The rune of sacrifice is hard to get. It lies within the fires of the forge! query: Hast thou the rune? YES: Then ask Alkerion of the stone! NO: Return when thou dost find it! NAME: Azure pronoun: He LOOK: A tinker at the table. JOB: I carve runes. HEALTH: O.K. RUNE: I carve runes for passage into the shrines! SACR: Ask my sister, Mischief. query: Dost thou seek a rune? YES: Which? NO: I see. NAME: Merida pronoun: He LOOK: A wandering tinker. JOB: I seek the wisdom of the shrine of sacrifice. HEALTH: Been better. SHRI: But first I need the mantra! MANT: I am told that a hidden shepherd knows the mantra. query: Know ye the mantra? YES: Good! NO: The shrine is on a lake to the east! NAME: a guard pronoun: He LOOK: A massive guard. JOB: To guard of course. HEALTH: Quite. GUAR: I often wonder if I will ever have to give my life in the line of duty. LIFE: One life for many! query: Understand my dilemma? YES: Of course, if it came down to it, I hope I would do it! NO: Too bad. |
NAME: Mariah pronoun: She LOOK: A young mage JOB: I seek adventure! HEALTH: Quite good. ADVE: Yes, I hope to go on a great quest! QUES: The quest of the avatar is noble indeed! query: Art thou on a quest? YES: I wish I could join thee! NO: Wish thou were! NAME: Tracie pronoun: She LOOK: Starving journalist JOB: I am a writer. HEALTH: I feel fine... if I could just quit smoking! WRIT: It's low paid, but glamorous! SMOK: Cough...cough... query: Do you smoke? YES: I can tell by the smell! NO: Don't start! NAME: Cromwell pronoun: He LOOK: A regal paladin. JOB: I speak of the virtues of honesty! HEALTH: Well indeed. HONE: A few honest men are better than numbers! MANT: The mantra of the shrine of honesty is 'AHM'. query: Dost thou strive to be honest? YES: Then you will need the mantra. NO: Shame! NAME: Rebelias pronoun: He LOOK: A mystic wizard. JOB: I live an honest life. HEALTH: I've been better HONE: Speak the truth and shame the evil forces! EVIL: Evil still exists in our hearts and souls! query: Dost thou seek to conquer thine own evil? YES: The quest of a lifetime! NO: Wretch! NAME: Christen pronoun: She LOOK: A playful child. JOB: I am your friend. HEALTH: Feeling good. FRIE: Honest friends are few! HONE: My friend William knows where the rune of honesty is. query: Art thou my friend? YES: That makes me happy. NO: I am sad. NAME: Patric the Humble Shepherd pronoun: He LOOK: A meek shepherd. JOB: I am shepherd. HEALTH: Pretty good. HUMB: Humility is not derived from the direct combination of truth, love or courage. HUMI: Humility is to act and be humble. query: Art thou totally humble? YES: Doubtful! NO: Strive to be. NAME: Shazom pronoun: He LOOK: A dying young wizard. JOB: I am apprentice to the great wizard Nigel! HEALTH: I will soon die. NIGE: I will soon need to use the spell he calls 'recall'. DIE: Pass on. query: Hast thou met Nigel? YES: Seek him out for he will teach thee. NO: He lives at the Lycaeum. NAME: Shakespeare pronoun: He LOOK: A wise wizard. JOB: I create tales of honesty. HEALTH: Getting on. HONE: Remember, there is no terror in threats for I am strong in honesty! CORR: Corruption wins not more than honesty! query: Dost thou strive to be honest? YES: Beware corruption! NO: Fool! NAME: Browning pronoun: He LOOK: A tall mage. JOB: I strive to live an honest life! HEALTH: Been better. HONE: An honest soul need remember no lies! TRUT: Truth is the root of honesty! query: Hast thou never lied? YES: That seems unlikely! NO: Truth never hurts the teller! NAME: Cosima pronoun: She LOOK: An elderly woman JOB: I am an alchemist. HEALTH: Tired, so tired. ALCH: I know how best to mix reagents! REAG: A sleep spell actually requires but one part spider silk! query: Dost thou know how to best mix spells? YES: Good! NO: The secret's in the reagents! NAME: Daranor pronoun: He LOOK: A hunched, insane looking man! JOB: I move the sun! HEALTH: Health? SUN: The moons are my enemies! MOON: When I die the world will end! query: Do you believe my story!?!?... YES: Then we must fell the moons! NO: Idiot, you must think I am insane! NAME: Inoo pronoun: She LOOK: An old gypsy. JOB: I am a fortune teller, I read palms. HEALTH: I predict I will be fine today! PALM: Palms tell fortunes! FORT: Give thy palm. query: Dost thou wish thy destiny? YES: A great quest will lead thee into the abyss where the codex awaits! NO: Wise choice. NAME: Calabrini pronoun: He LOOK: A tall mage. JOB: I bear greetings from the fair city of Moonglow. HEALTH: Fine. INN: We have an excellent inn. HEAL: Our healer is one of the best! query: Dost thou seek an inn or healing? YES: Which? NO: Perhaps, the shrine which lies on an isle to the north! NAME: Dekker pronoun: He LOOK: A bouncy jester JOB: I earn an honest living, jesting! HEALTH: Very good. HONE: Honest labor bears a lovely face! JEST: I love a good jest. query: Dost thou? YES: We ought to exchange jokes sometime! NO: Thou art probably a sourpuss! NAME: William pronoun: He LOOK: A child eating a sandwich. JOB: Oh, not much. HEALTH: Pretty good. SAND: It's a peanut butter and grape jelly on lightly toasted bread! RUNE: Search for the rune of honesty by Mariah's gold! query: Wouldst thou like a bite? YES: Yummy, huh! NO: It's awful yummy! NAME: Tyrone pronoun: He LOOK: A battered mage. JOB: I used to search for the blue stone. HEALTH: Fading. STON: The stone of honesty is found on an altar in the dungeon of Deceit. USE: It is used within the dungeon altar rooms and in the abyss. query: Wilt thou search? YES: Know its uses! NO: Hmm. |
NAME: Wilmoore pronoun: He LOOK: A very big guard. JOB: I am the chief guard in the village of Paws! HEALTH: Excellent. GUAR: Paws is a great village and we keep it safe! TROU: Pirates come from an isle to the east! query: Dost thou mean to cause trouble? YES: Then thou had best leave! NO: Good. NAME: Francesca pronoun: She LOOK: A tough girl. JOB: I am the stable hand. HEALTH: Right good. STAB: I saw the way ya dealt with ol' Red Eye! SMIT: The talking horse! query: Ya haven't come to steal a horse I hope? YES: Well the master ain't gonna like that much! NO: Then must be to see Smith! NAME: Sven pronoun: He LOOK: A tall burly man. JOB: I'm a lumberjack, ya. HEALTH: Fine, thanks. LUMB: Wit' my axe, I can chop'm down quick, ya. AXE: It's a big axe, ya. query: Art ya a lumberjack? YES: Good for you, ya. NO: Build up those arms, ya! NAME: Zair the Wise pronoun: He LOOK: A man of many years. JOB: I've been near the codex! HEALTH: Well. CODE: Its secrets are boundless! WORD: A three part key and a word of passage are needed to enter the chamber. Ask my brother beyond Lock Lake of the word! query: Seen it? YES: Wow! NO: Seek it! NAME: Sal pronoun: She LOOK: A very large woman. JOB: I am the barmaid I serve the ale! HEALTH: Stronger every day! ALE: We have the finest brew in Britannia! BREW: We serve only Folley on tap! query: Dost thou favor Folley? YES: A great mug if I may say so! NO: Too bad, it's the best! NAME: Jingles pronoun: He LOOK: A young mage! JOB: I seek the wisdom of magic. HEALTH: Fine. MAGI: My master knows the gate travel spell! MAST: My master is Mentorian. query: Dost thou know him? YES: Good. NO: He lives in a hidden village in Lock Lake reachable only by ship, ask of the gate spell! NAME: Sir Hobie pronoun: He LOOK: A tall muscular knight. JOB: I serve Lord British. HEALTH: Tired and hungry but always faithful. FAIT I quest always for Britannia! QUES My quest is to defeat the evils of the world. query: 'tis thy quest also? YES: We are as one. NO: A shame it is! NAME: Damsel pronoun: She LOOK: A small druid. JOB: I am here to buy food. HEALTH: A bit hungry. FOOD: Yes, I hear they have the best rations here. RATI: Rations are used in dungeons. query: Dost thou travel in the depths? YES: In the great castle there is a secret entrance! NO: Probably a wimp. NAME: Wheatpin pronoun: He LOOK: A meek shepherd. JOB: I just sit here. HEALTH: Fine. RUNE Around there in the nook of the mountains! query: Art thou looking for something? YES: What? NO: I see. NAME: Barren pronoun: He LOOK: A hooded ranger. JOB: I travel the land. HEALTH: I am well. LAND: Britannia. RUNE: Search the hills in the south-east corner of town! query: Art thou dim? YES: I thought so. NO: We shall see. NAME: Pix pronoun: She LOOK: A small girl. JOB: What's a job? HEALTH: Good, thanks. query: And thee? YES: Good. NO: Too bad. NAME: Sir Simon pronoun: He LOOK: A wise lord. JOB: I am the keeper. HEALTH: I am fine. KEEP: Of what I cannot say! MYST: Mystics can be found by an eight parts avatar! query: Hast thou attained enlightenment in all eight virtues? YES: The mystic armour lies in the center of the oak grove! NO: Alas. NAME: Lady Tessa pronoun: She LOOK: A wise lady. JOB: I am the keeper. HEALTH: Well. KEEP: I cannot say. MYST: Mystics can be found by an eight parts avatar! query: Hast thou attained enlightenment in all eight virtues? YES: The mystic weapons lie in the training room of Serpent castle! NO: Alas. NAME: Asemly pronoun: He LOOK: A short jester. JOB: I am here to serve thee. HEALTH: Jolly good. SERV: Well, I can dance and sing! DANC: And sing, tra la la... query: Does that interest thee? YES: Good! NO: Well then, I guess I'm no help at all then. NAME: Little Jon pronoun: He LOOK: A singing bard. JOB: I sing of Britannia. HEALTH: Quite well indeed! BRIT: Britannia is a land so fair, to other lands I would not dare! EART: I hope someday thou may return! query: I hear that thou art from another world? YES: What is it called? NO: Just a rumor. NAME: Smith pronoun: He LOOK: A white stallion JOB: Oh, not much. HEALTH: Good, good. |
NAME: Sentri pronoun: He LOOK: A stately baron JOB: I rule this province. HEALTH: Very well. PROV: Yes, these islands and much more. WORD: I know but one of three syllables-'cor'. query: Dost thou know the four cities of courage? YES: Very good. NO: They are Jhelom, Minoc, Trinsic and Skara Brae. NAME: the gate guard. pronoun: He LOOK: A very big guard. JOB: Guard the gates, of course. HEALTH: Very strong! GATE: These are the gates to Serpent castle. GUAR: Guard, watch, protect. query: Art thou here to find courage? YES: Then thou art at the right place. NO: Then perhaps to become a guard! NAME: Lassorn pronoun: He LOOK: A wounded sailor JOB: I am a sailor. HEALTH: I alone survived the shipwreck. SHIP: The H.M.S. Cape. WHEE: She went down in the deep waters of the bay in the Cape of Heroes! query: Ever heard of her? YES: She was a mighty vessel! NO: She was a mighty vessel! NAME: Roark pronoun: He LOOK: A seasoned fighter. JOB: I fight for Britannia! HEALTH: Just healed. ABYS: The Great Stygian Abyss holds the codex of ultimate wisdom! CODE: I know little. query: Art thou well? YES: Then strive to find the secrets of the abyss. NO: Thou hast come to the right place. NAME: a ranger. pronoun: He LOOK: A ranger engrossed in training. JOB: I am training! HEALTH: Excellent. TRAI: I train so that I might survive the dungeons! DUNG: I plan to conquer the secret of the altar rooms. query: Dost thou? YES: Ask our teacher about the rooms for she knowns much! NO: Wimp. NAME: Shyra pronoun: She LOOK: The training master. JOB: I train warriors to fight with courage! HEALTH: Prime. TRAI: Train well and thy courage can grow with confidence. ROOM: In the altar room of courage use the red, orange, purple and white stones! query: Wilt thou train? YES: Bravo! NO: Pity. NAME: a baronial guard pronoun: She LOOK: A stern guard. JOB: I guard our lord HEALTH: Most good. LORD: Sentri rules this castle. CAST: This castle is built on courage. query: Dost thou wish an audience with Sentri? YES: Granted, enter. NO: Then do not disturb him. NAME: a treasure guard pronoun: He LOOK: A burly guard JOB: We guard our lord's treasure. HEALTH: Excellent. TREA: This treasure is not for thee DUNG: Seek out Durham for knowledge of dungeons. query: Dost thou intend to steal our lord's treasure? YES: Fool! NO: Wise move! NAME: Garam pronoun: He LOOK: A bold fighter. JOB: I fight with courage! HEALTH: Quite well. COUR: Courage makes kings out of knaves! BELL: The bell of courage lies at the bottom of a deep well at sea found at lat-N'A" long-L'A" query: Dost thou? YES: Good. NO: Then train! NAME: Durham pronoun: He LOOK: A tall fighter. JOB: I quest for glory! HEALTH: Fairly well. QUES: I feel that when on a quest my life has purpose! DUNG: The altar room of courage gives the third part of a key. query: Art thou on a quest? YES: Then thy life has meaning! NO: What a loss. NAME: Lori pronoun: She LOOK: A buxom guard. JOB: I guard this passage. HEALTH: So far, so good. GARA: He is in the west chamber. DURH: He is in the east chamber. query: Art thou looking for someone? YES: Who? NO: Then be on thy way! NAME: Samuel pronoun: He LOOK: A handsome guard JOB: I guard this passage. HEALTH: So far, so good. GARA: He is in the west chamber. DURH: He is in the east chamber. query: Art thou looking for someone? YES: Who? NO: Then be on thy way! NAME: Roderick pronoun: He LOOK: A destitute, stinking beggar. JOB: I cannot work. HEALTH: I've lost a hand! HAND: It was eaten by a zorn. ORBS: An orb of blue light will raise thy strength, dexterity or intelligence, but at a cost! query: Wilt thou give me gold? YES: Thou art kind. NO: Stingy! NAME: Sister Antos pronoun: She LOOK: A wise druid. JOB: I have important information. HEALTH: Well enough. INFO: On what subject? BELL: The bell of courage is needed to enter the abyss. query: Dost thou have it? YES: Very good. NO: Then ask the fighter Garam for he knows where it lies! NAME: Noxum pronoun: He LOOK: A spiny nixie! JOB: I swim the seas! HEALTH: Nice and wet! SEAS: There are many ships at the bottom! SHIP: A survivor would know where to search. query: Hast thou heard of the H.M.S. Cape? YES: She had a magical wheel that would strengthen her hull! NO: A great ship! NAME: Michelle pronoun: She LOOK: A beautiful paladin! JOB: I welcome thee unto Serpent Castle! HEALTH: Very well. SENT: He is the lord here, take the west passage. HEAL: Take the east passage. query: Art thou well? YES: Very good, perhaps thou seeks Sentri. NO: Then thou should visit our healer! |
NAME: Shamino pronoun: He LOOK: A solemn ranger. JOB: I seek the inner light. HEALTH: I am well. LIGH: I seek the "one great truth"! TRUT: That which lies within the codex! query: Dost thou seek this "truth"? YES: Some things take forever but brick by brick mountains can be built! NO: Alas. NAME: Emerson pronoun: He LOOK: An injured man. JOB: I seek the spiritual path. HEALTH: I am grievously wounded. SPIR: Spiritual is stronger than any material force. WOUN: Nothing can bring thee peace but the triumph of principles! query: Art thou good in spirit? YES: A good path. NO: An evil path! NAME: Santayana pronoun: He LOOK: A tall ranger. JOB: I carry the light within my heart. HEALTH: I am alive. LIGH: The light of philosophy. PHIL: In philosophical minds the familiar excites wonder! query: Dost thou always tread the right path? YES: Doubtful! NO: Few can, but strive to do so! NAME: Presto pronoun: He LOOK: A very small wizard. JOB: I cast great big spells! HEALTH: Superior! SPEL: I can cast jinx, kill, and view! NIGH: Yes, ask the barkeep at 'The Axe-n-Ale' in Vesper about nightshade. query: Dost thou know what these spells have in common? YES: What? NO: Guess! NAME: Granted pronoun: She LOOK: A hungry beggar. JOB: I beg for food and money. HEALTH: I am not at all well. FOOD: To eat! MONE: To buy food! query: Wilt thou give me food or money? YES: In return I will tell thee that the ankh knows of the rune and my friend Ambule knows the mantra! NO: Jerk! NAME: Mitre pronoun: She LOOK: A radiant ranger. JOB: I am reading the wizard's journal. HEALTH: I am fine. JOUR: It tells of the white stone. STON: It is no longer in the dungeon Hythloth, it is gone! query: Wilt thou try to recover it? YES: Ask of the stone at the Tap in Trinsic! NO: Too bad. NAME: Buddha pronoun: He LOOK: A great philosopher. JOB: I teach. HEALTH: I am well. TEAC: When one has pity on all living creatures then is one noble. NOBL: If one speaks or acts with pure thought, happiness will follow like a shadow that never leaves. NAME: Michaelangelo pronoun: He LOOK: A skilled ranger JOB: I strive along the path. HEALTH: Well. PATH: Success is a journey, not a destination. JOUR: May thou always desire more than thou can accomplish! query: Art thou far along the path? YES: This is good. NO: Fear not thou shalt be. NAME: Romasco pronoun: He LOOK: A short dumpy man with a book. JOB: I am a teacher, I enrich young minds. HEALTH: I am fine. TEAC: I teach of the abyss. WORD: Seek Zair the Wise in Paws for more on the word. query: Know ye of the abyss? YES: A word of passage is needed at the last gate! NO: Learn! NAME: Carlyle pronoun: He LOOK: A wise mage. JOB: I write magic. HEALTH: Fine. MAGI: One lives by believing in something. BELI: Great discoveries are made by those whose feelings run ahead of their thinking. query: Dost thou believe in magic? YES: Magic missiles need but 1 part ash! NO: I see. NAME: Dickens pronoun: He LOOK: A wise bard. JOB: I write stories. HEALTH: O.K. STOR: Stories are good for the spirit! SPIR: Remember, no one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of others! query: Art thou good in nature? YES: Be sure thy net good well exceeds thy net evil! NO: I see. NAME: White pronoun: He LOOK: A gallant fighter. JOB: I quest. HEALTH: Excellent! QUES: Many quests are very dangerous! DANG: I am not afraid of tomorrow; I have seen yesterday and I love today. query: Art thou fearless in all thing? YES: Boastful fool! NO: Danger is real! NAME: the Ankh of Spirituality pronoun: It LOOK: A silver ankh. JOB: I keep the secret of the rune. HEALTH: Strong. RUNE: Mantra? OM: Search for the rune of spirituality in the treasure chamber of Britannia! query: Hast thou found the shrine? YES: Good! NO: Enter the gate of full moons! NAME: Ambule pronoun: She LOOK: A grimy beggar. JOB: I beg for but for a single gold piece! HEALTH: So-so. BEG: Oh, please... Oh, please... MANT: Ask the child named Barren. query: Wilt thou please give me a gold piece? YES: Dear kind soul. NO: Stingy, I know thou hast many! NAME: Barren pronoun: He LOOK: A small child. JOB: No job. HEALTH: O.K. MANT I know it well, it is 'OM'. NAME: Isaac pronoun: He LOOK: A ghostly figure JOB: I haunt this inn! HEALTH: I am many years dead. HAUN: The quest is not complete! STON: The white stone sits atop the Serpent's Spine. It can only be reached by one who floats within the clouds. query: Art thou on the quest? YES: Hope! NO: Alas. |
NAME: Dupre pronoun: He LOOK: Handsome fighter JOB: I am towne leader HEALTH: Very well. LEAD: 'tis an honor! HONO: It gives life meaning! query: Dost thou try to live honorably? YES: It is a constant quest. Honor is like finely polished armour. Without constant care, it will soon tarnish! NO: Fool! NAME: Virgil pronoun: He LOOK: A mystic wizard. JOB: I create magical fields. HEALTH: I am well. FIEL: Poison is my favorite. NIGH: Nightshade may be found only near lat-J'F" long-C'O" only on the darkest of nights! query: 'tis it thine? YES: Bravo! NO: Well I don't care! NAME: Publius pronoun: He LOOK: A sleepy fighter JOB: I drink a toast to honor! HEALTH: Tired. HONO: What is left when honor is lost? NOTH: Right, take honor from me and my life is done! query: Dost thou strive to live an honorable life? YES: Honor gives greatness. NO: No honor, no meaning! NAME: Skitle pronoun: It LOOK: A bony skeleton JOB: I hail from dungeon deep. HEALTH: What do you mean? DUNG: I come from the dungeon 'Shame'! STON: I have seen the purple stone used in the altars of truth and courage! query: Ever been there? YES: Good. NO: It holds items thou shalt need. NAME: Sailor Sam pronoun: He LOOK: An ugly sailor. JOB: I sail the the seas of Britannia! HEALTH: A bit waterlogged. SEAS: My specialty is navigation! SEXT: Go to the pub in Jhelom and ask of sextants. query: Is it thy specialty? YES: Good show mate! NO: Thou must not own a sextant, eh? NAME: Aristotle pronoun: He LOOK: A dignified paladin. JOB: I search for honor. HEALTH: I am well. HONO: Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in deserving them. DIGN: Honor no one, but honor itself! query: Art thou honorable at all times? YES: That is impressive. NO: Strive to be as such. NAME: Terrin pronoun: He LOOK: A cowering child JOB: I ran from the bull! HEALTH: Scared! BULL: A big one, with long, pointy horns! RUNE: It is buried in the southwest corner of towne. query: Is it gone yet? YES: Whew, I thought it would get me! NO: Save me! NAME: Rigmore pronoun: He LOOK: A strong paladin. JOB: I am the welcomer. HEALTH: Extra good. WELC: Yes, welcome to Trinsic city of honor! HONO: Wisdom on the virtue of honor is found throughout this towne. query: Dost thou seek this wisdom? YES: Enter and find thy path. NO: This is the wrong place! NAME: Winthrop pronoun: He LOOK: A scruffy merchant. JOB: A trade in rumors. HEALTH: A bit ragged out. RUMO: About what? RUNE: There is a small child who knew named... Terrin. query: Dost thou know him? YES: Ask him of the rune. NO: Find him and ask of the rune! NAME: Swindrik pronoun: He LOOK: A tall wizard. JOB: I cast spells. HEALTH: Fully healed. SPEL: Spells of great power. MAND: Ask at the Folley tavern of mandrake. query: Dost thou cast spells of great power? YES: What is the most powerful reagent? NO: Dost thou know their main ingredient? NAME: Kline pronoun: He LOOK: A searching paladin! JOB: I seek entry to the shrine of honor! HEALTH: Well. MANT: The mantra is 'SUMM'. RUNE: A man named Winthrop knows of the rune! query: Know ye the two requirements to enter and use the shrine? YES: What are they? NO: What dost thou think? NAME: Lexington pronoun: He LOOK: A shining paladin. JOB: I am warlord of Trinsic. HEALTH: Superb. WARL: I have solved many quests! QUES: The solving of quests brings ye honor! query: Strive ye for honor? YES: Then solve quests but attack not non-evil creatures, and get not others gold! NO: Oh. NAME: Dergin pronoun: He LOOK: A soulful fighter. JOB: I seek a place to rest. HEALTH: Tired. REST: I have quested long and hard. QUES: I seek enlightenment at the shrine of honor! query: Art thou enlightened in honor? YES: Good. NO: The shrine lies to the south and west beyond the swamps! NAME: a guard pronoun: He LOOK: A big guard. JOB: We guard the gate. HEALTH: Excellent. GATE: Into and out of Trinsic. GUAR: 'tis an honorable job! query: Dost thou strive to bring honor upon the peers? YES: Dupre, the leader of our towne, joins many honorable quests! NO: Dolt. NAME: Quix pronoun: She LOOK: A wandering mage JOB: I seek the skeleton! HEALTH: Adequate. SKEL: It knows a great secret. SECR: About the purple stone of honor! query: Dost thou have the purple stone? YES: Use it wisely! NO: Seek it for it is very useful! NAME: a guard pronoun: She LOOK: A strong guard. JOB: To guard. HEALTH: Guarded. GUAR: Guarding. STRO: Guard |
NAME: Twin Gates pronoun: He LOOK: A tall mage. JOB: We welcome thee to Vesper. HEALTH: Well. VESP: Yes, Vesper is a fair village. WELC: Welcome, unto Vesper! query: Hast thou come a long way? YES: We are honored by the visit of one on the quest! NO: We are honored by the visit of one on the quest! NAME: Guard pronoun: It LOOK: A hulk. JOB: Ug, me tough! HEALTH: Ug, me tough! TOUG: Ug, me tough! UG: Me tough! query: Ug, thee tough? YES: Ug, thee tough! NO: Ug, me tough! NAME: Servile pronoun: He LOOK: A meek shepherd. JOB: I can help thee! HEALTH: Well for now. HELP: I know of the skull of Mondain the Wizard! SKUL: To use it for any reason is a sign of great evil, and no virtue! query: Hast thou heard of it? YES: It is an evil artifact! NO: It is an evil artifact! NAME: Traveling Dan pronoun: He LOOK: Short rotund man with a hat and vest. JOB: Traveling dan, the tinker man. HEALTH: I am fine, thank thee. TINK I am here to repair goods at the guild shop. TRAV I know the world is round! query: Been to the guild shop? YES: Great selection! NO: Best prices! NAME: Balthasar pronoun: He LOOK: A sturdy peasant. JOB: I am a serf. HEALTH: I'm pooped. SERF: Serfs work hard for little pay! WORK: I work the fields for my master! query: Dost thou have a master? YES: I hope he or she is a kind one! NO: Thou art lucky indeed! NAME: Plain pronoun: He LOOK: A small man. JOB: I seek humility. HEALTH: I am fully healed. HUMI: When the 3 principles of virtue combine in eight ways pride has no virtue! PRID: To be proud is not a virtue, and so Magincia was destroyed! Humility is the virtue that remains! NAME: Simple pronoun: She LOOK: A slender shepherdess. JOB: I seek the shrine. HEALTH: I am fine. SHRI: The shrine of humility! HUMI: The shrine lies on the north bank of the isle of the abyss and is guarded by endless hoards of daemons! query: Know the isle? YES: Good. NO: Southeast of Britannia! NAME: Gem pronoun: She LOOK: A fair woman. JOB: I do humble works. HEALTH: I am doing well. WORK: I can help thee with the mantra! MANT: Since humility is the opposite of pride, so is its mantra! query: Know ye the mantra of pride? YES: Then reverse it for humility! NO: When thou dost, reverse it! NAME: Joseph pronoun: He LOOK: A wise shepherd. JOB: I am but a humble shepherd. HEALTH: I am well. SHEP: I am on a pilgrimage unto the shrine of humility! SHRI: It is on the dark island! query: Did thou know that there is no shrine of pride? YES: Very good. NO: Pride is not a virtue of the avatar! NAME: Friday pronoun: She LOOK: A beautiful and impressive guard. JOB: I shall warn thee against taking this gold! HEALTH: I am well enough! GOLD: It is not thine! WARN: It is not thine! query: Dost thou intend to take it? YES: That would not reflect well upon thy virtues! NO: That is good. NAME: Randal pronoun: He LOOK: A solemn ranger. JOB: I teach of the shrines. HEALTH: I am well. SHRI One >must< visit each shrine for 1, 2 & 3 cycles each for thy paths to be clear! query: Dost thou visit them often? YES: Very good. NO: Make that the first goal along thy path to avatarhood! NAME: Dirgen pronoun: He LOOK: A wise man. JOB: I give wise counsel. HEALTH: Well. COUN: Strive ye to know and develop the virtue within thee. VIRT: The Seer Hawkwind should be consulted >often< for he can see within thee! query: Dost thou? YES: Good! NO: Thou shalt surely stray from the path! NAME: Shazbot pronoun: She LOOK: A funny jester. JOB: Thou thinks I'm funny! HEALTH: I've a slight tickle! FUNN: I dare thee to ask me about Nate the snake! NATE: Well, it's a long story and we haven't the time. query: Don't thou? YES: Well good, I try to be! NO: Ah, too bad, I thought I was. NAME: Flatbush pronoun: He LOOK: A slender youth. JOB: I am an apprentice mage! HEALTH: I am very powerful! MAGE: I am the Calumny's favorite! CALU: He lives in Yew! query: Hast thou been to Yew? YES: Calumny knows the quickness spell! NO: Calumny knows the quickness spell! Seek him out! NAME: Corkrin pronoun: He LOOK: A bold paladin. JOB: I travel these fair lands to spread the virtues! HEALTH: I am fully healed! VIRT: To know thy progress on the paths of virtue one >must< visit the Seer Hawkwind often! query: Dost thou do this? YES: Good. NO: Thou must or thou may stray! NAME: Dyka pronoun: He LOOK: A tall nimble man. JOB: I am a thief, I like to borrow! HEALTH: I am very well! BORR: My favorite things to borrow are horses! HORS: You can steal horses in the townwe Paws! query: Art thou a thief? YES: Watch out for the bull in the corral! NO: Likely, thou art a wimp! |
NAME: Jaana pronoun: She LOOK: A quiet druid JOB: I strive to understand justice. HEALTH: I am well. JUST: True justice satisfies all, false none. UNDE: Let justice be thy calling not thy excuse! query: Art thou just? YES: Many a grave has been unjustly filled in the name of justice. NO: Alas. NAME: a guard pronoun: She LOOK: A tall guard JOB: To guard the court. HEALTH: Yes. JUST: A good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge. COUR: Within this chamber justice is served. query: Dost thou have business before the court? YES: Then enter. NO: Then do not disturb the proceedings! NAME: a guard pronoun: He LOOK: A big guard. JOB: We guard the jail. HEALTH: Fit. MISD: That'll be the left cell. FELO: That'll be the right hand cell. careful in there! query: Hast thou come to turn thyself in? YES: In which cell dost thou belong, felonies or misdemeanors. NO: Just visiting, eh. NAME: Calumny pronoun: He LOOK: A solemn druid. JOB: I make spells. HEALTH: Well. SPEL: I invented quickness! MAND: Mandrake root is found only in the Fens of the Dead and in the Bloody Plains where the ground is always damp. query: Can thou cast it? YES: It requires but one bloodmoss! NO: Adept. NAME: Talfourd pronoun: He LOOK: A wise judge. JOB: I decide justice. HEALTH: Well. JUST: Justice is truth in action! RUNE: It is hidden well! query: Can thou honestly claim to be guilty of no crime ever? YES: Doubtful. NO: Then do thy penance in a cell, and with the felon search ye well. NAME: Flamis pronoun: It LOOK: A burning fire. JOB: I hold the fabric of the true nature of justice. HEALTH: Bright. JUST: The virtue of justice draws its nature from the principles of truth and love! FABR: Of justice. query: Hast thou always been just? YES: Unlikely. NO: At least thou art honest. NAME: Silent pronoun: He LOOK: A chanting druid JOB: Beh... Beh... HEALTH: Beh... Beh... BEH. Beh... Beh... BEH Beh... Beh... NAME: Dwp pronoun: He LOOK: A wise druid. JOB: Welcome thee to Yew city of justice! HEALTH: I am well. JUST Love no one more than the truth, for justice seeks no favors. Temper thy justice with understanding. YEW Yes 'tis a fair city! query: Dost thou like it? YES: Let it be as thine! NO: A pity. NAME: a poor beggar. pronoun: He LOOK: A poor beggar. JOB: I have sinned. HEALTH: Well treated. SINE: I have gotten chests in the townes and killed non-evil creatures. FELO: He is a mean nasty ugly villain! query: Should thou be in with the felon? YES: Thou art in the wrong cell. NO: Good. NAME: Vorpal pronoun: He LOOK: A mean nasty ugly villain! JOB: I eat people who bug me! HEALTH: Hungry! VILL: That's me alright! PEOP: Like thee! query: Art thou here to bug me? YES: Eat death, scum puppy! NO: Well thou art! NAME: a ranger pronoun: She LOOK: A sleek ranger. JOB: I search for a home. HEALTH: O.K. HOME On the range! RANG Where the deer and the antelope play. query: Ever heard of such a place? YES: Seldom is heard a discouraging word! NO: Ah, what'ya have to ruin it for! NAME: Short Round pronoun: He LOOK: A small child JOB: I work for Jones. HEALTH: I am fine. JONE: I think Indi's on a quest! QUES: I'm not so sure, but it should be fun! query: Art thou having fun? YES: Write to Lord British and tell him!!! NO: I am so sorry we all wish you would! NAME: Frida pronoun: She LOOK: A withered form. JOB: See my poor baby I beg for him. HEALTH: I am starving and sick. BABY: Oh, no, my baby is dying! JUST: Jaana may join thee! query: Wilt thou give me money so that I can get my baby healed? YES: Thou art kind and just! NO: Evil wretch, curse thee! NAME: Pinrod pronoun: He LOOK: A thin man. JOB: I take council. HEALTH: Fine. COUN: On justice. JUST: Justice is hardest to find at the point of a sword, the steel is an agent of justice, humanity the perpetrator! query: Fight ye for justice? YES: Good, the druids chant the mantra! NO: Cad. NAME: a guard pronoun: He LOOK: A big guard JOB: To preserve the peace and insure justice! HEALTH: O.K. PEAC: A good life is inspired by love and guided by truth! JUST: Justice means not only to punish the bad but also to reward the good! query: Art thou always just? YES: Unlikely! NO: Strive to be! NAME: Druid pronoun: She LOOK: A wandering druid. JOB: I seek justice. HEALTH: Well. JUST: Learn at the shrine! SHRI: The shrine is to the east then north! query: Dost thou have the rune? YES: Now learn the mantra, and seek the green stone in 'Wrong'! NO: Ask Talfourd for he knows of the rune. |
NAME: My name is Lord British, Sovereign of all
Britannia! first time: Lord British rises and says At long last! Thou hast come! We have waited such a long, long time... Lord British sits and says A new age is upon Britannia. The great evil Lords are gone but our people lack direction and purpose in their lives... A champion of virtue is called for. Thou may be this champion, but only time shall tell. I will aid thee any way that I can! How may I help thee? later times: Welcome <name>, what would thou ask of me? LOOK: Thou see the King with the Royal Sceptre JOB: I rule all Britannia, and shall do my best to help thee! HEAL: I am well, thank ye. query: Art thou well? YES: That is good. NO: Let me heal thy wounds! (heals all party wounds) HELP (1): To survive in this hostile land thou must first know thyself! Seek ye to master thy weapons and thy magical ability! Take care in these thy first travels in Britannia... Until thou dost know well thyself, travel not far from the savety of the townes! HELP (2): Travel not the open lands alone. There are many worthy people in the diverse townes whom it would be wise to ask to Join thee! Build thy party unto eight travellers, for only a true leader can win the Quest! HELP (3): Learn ye the paths of virtue. Seek to gain entry unto the eight shriens! Find ye the Runes, needed for entry into each shrine, and learn each chant or "Mantra" used to focus thy meditations... Within the Shrines thou shalt learn of the deeds which show thy inner virtue or vice! HELP (4): Choose thy path wisely for all thy deeds of good and evil are remembered and can return to hinder thee! Visit the Seer Hawkwind often and use his wisdom to help thee prove thy Virtue. When thou art ready, Hawkwind will advise thee to seek the Elevation unto partial Avatarhood in a virtue... Seek ye to become a partial Avatar in all eight virtues, for only then shalt thou be ready to seek the codex! HELP (5): Go ye now into the depths of the dungeons. Therein recover the 8 colored stones from the altar pedestals in the halls of the dungeons... Find the uses of these stones for they can help thee in the Abyss! HELP (6): Thou art doing very well indeed on the path to Avatarhood! Strive ye to achieve the Elevation in all eight virtues! HELP (7): Find ye the Bell, Book and Candle! With these three things, one may enter the Great Stygian Abyss! HELP (8): Before thou dost enter the Abyss thou shalt need the Key of Three Parts, and the Word of Passage... Then might thou enter the Chamber of the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom! HELP (9): Thou dost now seem ready to make the final journey into the dark Abyss! Go only with a party of eight! Good Luck, and may the powers of good watch over thee on this thy most periolous endeavor! The hearts and souls of all Britannia go with thee now. Take care, my friend... TRUT: Many truths can be learned at the Lycaeum. It lies on the northwestern shore of Verity Isle! LOVE: Look for the meaning of Love at Empath Abbey. The Abbey sits on the western edge of the Deep Forest! COUR: Serpent's Castle on the Isle of Deeds is where Courage should be sought! HONE: The fair towne of Moonglow on Verity Isle is where the virtue of Honesty thrives! COMP: The bards in the towne of Britain are well versed in the virtue of Compassion! VALO: Many valiant fighters come from Jhelom in the Valarian Isles! JUST: In the city of Yew, in the Deep Forest, Justice is served! SACR: Minoc, towne of self-sacrifice, lies on the eastern shores of Lost Hope Bay! HONO: The Paladins who strive for Honor are oft seen in Trinsic, north of the Cape of Heroes! SPIR: In Skara Brae the Spiritual path is taught. Find it on an isle near Spiritwood! HUMI: Humility is the foundation of Virtue! The ruins of proud Magincia are a testimony unto the Virtue of Humility! Find the Ruins of Magincia far off the shores of Britannia, on a small isle in the vast Ocean! PRID: Of the eight combinations of Truth, Love and Courage, that which contains neither Truth, Love nor Courage is Pride. Pride being not a Virtue must be shunned in favor of Humility, the Virtue which is the antithesis of Pride! AVAT: To be an Avatar is to be the embodiment of the Eight Virtues. It is to live a life constantly and forever in the Quest to better thyself and the world in which we live. QUES: The Quest of the Avatar is to know and become the embodiment of the Eight Virtues of Goodness! It is known that all who take on this Quest must prove themselves by conquering the Abyss and Viewing the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom! BRIT: Even though the Great Evil Lords have been routed evil yet remains in Britannia. If but one soul could complete the Quest of the Avatar, our people would have a new hope, a new goal for life. There would be a shining example that there is more to life than the endless struggle for possessions and gold! ANKH: The Ankh is the symbol of one who strives for Virtue. Keep it with thee at all times for by this mark thou shalt be known! ABYS: The Great Stygian Abyss is the darkest pocket of evil remaining in Britannia! It is said that in the deepest recesses of the Abyss is the Chamber of the Codex! It is also said that only one of highest Virtue may enter this Chamber, one such as an Avatar!!! MOND: Mondain is dead! MINA: Minax is dead! EXOD: Exodus is dead! VIRT: The Eight Virtues of the Avatar are Honesty, Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, and Humility! BYE: Fare thee well my friend! NAME: Hawkwind the Seer each time: Welcome <name>, I am Hawkwind, Seer of Souls. I see that which is within thee and drives thee to deeds of good or evil... HONESTY: (--) Thou art a thief and a scoundrel. Thou may not ever become an Avatar! (-) Thou art not an honest soul. Thou must live a more honest life to be an Avatar! (0) Thou hast made little progress on the paths of Honesty. Strive to prove thy worth! (+) Thou dost seem an honesty soul. Continued honesty will reward thee! (++) Thou art truly an honest soul. Seek ye now to reach Elevation! COMPASSION: (--) Thou art a cold and cruel brute. Thou shouldst go to prison for thy crimes! (-) Thou dost kill where there is no need and give too little unto others! (0) Thou hast not shown thy compassion well. Be more kind unto others! (+) Thou dost show thy compassion well. Continued good will should be thy guide! (++) Compassion is a virtue that thou hast shown well. Seek ye now Elevation! VALOR: (--) Thou art a coward, thou dost flee from the hint of danger! (-) Thou dost not display a great deal of Valor. Thou dost flee before the need! (0) Thou art not yet a valiant warrior. Fight to defeat evil and prove thyself! (+) Thou art showing Valor in the face of danger. Strive to become yet more so! (++) Thou art a truly valiant warrior. Seek ye now Elevation in the virtue of valor! JUSTICE: (--) Thou art an unjust wretch. Thou are a fulsome meddler! (-) Thou art cruel and unjust. in time thou will soffer for thy crimes! (0) Thou hast not proven thyself to be just. Strive to do justice unto all things! (+) Thou dost seem fair and just. Strive to uphold Justice even more sternly! (++) Thou art just and fair. Seek ye now the Elevation! SACRIFICE: (--) Thou art a self-serving Tufthunter. Thou deservest not my help, yet I grant it! (-) Thou dost need to think more of the life of others and less of thy own! (0) Thy sacrifice is small. Give of thy life's blood so that others may live. (+) Thou art giving of thyself in some ways. Seek ye now to find yet more! (++) Thy self-sacrifice is great. Seek now Elevation! HONOR: (--) Thou art a cad and a bounder. Thy presence is an affront. Thou art low as a slug! (-) Thou dost not fight with honor but with malice and deceit! (0) Thou dost need to show thyself to be more honorable. The path lies before thee! (+) Thou dost seem to be Honorable in nature. Seek to bring Honor upon others as well! (++) Thou hast proven thyself to be Honorable. Seek ye now for the Elevation! SPIRITUALITY: (--) Thy spirit is weak and feeble. Thou dost not strive for Perfection! (-) Thou dost not take time to care about thy inner being, a must to be an Avatar! (0) Strive to know and master more of thine inner being. Meditation lights the path! (+) Thou art doing well on the path to inner sight continue to seek the inner light. (++) Spirituality is in thy nature. Seek ye now the Elevation! HUMILITY: (--) Thou art proud and vain. All other virtue in thee is a loss! (-) Thou art too proud of thy little deeds. Humility is the root of all Virtue! (0) Thy progress on this path is most uncertain. Without Humility thou art empty! (+) Thou dost seem a humble soul. Thou art setting strong stones to build virtues upon! (++) Thy Humility shines bright upon they being. Seek ye now for Elevation! (Any virtue for which Partial Avatarhood has been attained): Thou hast become a partial Avatar in that attribute. Thou need not my insights. BYE: Fare thee well and may thou complete the Quest of the Avatar! (Anything else): That is not a subject for enlightenment. |
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