John Miles
- Years with Origin: 1986-1989
- Also known as: Captain Johne in Ultimas V and VI
John Miles has had a prolific career, and his influence has touched
nearly every corner of the computer game industry. He joined Origin
in 1986 in the classic way: he sent them a demo game he'd written
himself. At the time, Richard Garriott was looking for new talent
to add to Origin's stables, and John wound up not only getting
hired, but acting as lead programmer for Ultima V. When Ultima VI
began development, John got the task of writing the introductory
sequence, the first "cinematic" scene Origin had inserted into
their games. He developed the Terramorph tool which Origin used to
do much of the graphics for Wing Commander and Ultima VI, and some
of the tile work for Ultima VII.
In 1989 John left Origin to work as a technical developer for
Dell Computer Company, working
on throughput for computer networks. He went on to write the Miles
Sound System, which was widely used throughout the game industry
for years. In 1991 he founded his own company, Miles Design, which
produced a number of graphical and audio tools which were also used
throughout the industry. In 1993, he created SSI's game Eye of the
Beholder III. In 1994, he created yet another company, Non-Linear
Arts, which performs game consulting for the Win95 platform. In
1995, he retained by Microsoft to help develop the technology
behind the DirectSound libraries. Today, he is a member of Chris
Roberts' Digital Anvil,
again developing system tools and graphical and audio libraries for
leaders of the game industry. |