Ultima Collection
- Platform: Win95.
- Publisher: Origin Systems, Inc., © 1998.
- Characteristics: UPC 14033-10503. CD (1).
- Included: Manual/Installation Guide (47pp.), Atlas
- Original List Price: $34.95
- Availability: Electronic
Origin released this collection of the original, cardinal Ultima
games on February 17, 1998. The games themselves are identical to
those released in previous compilations - right down to the same
planet files being messed up for Ultima II as on the I-VI
collection. No modifications to the games were made, not even
bugfixes. The game Akalabeth has been
ported to the PC especially for this collection - the only PC
version of Akalabeth that has ever been "officially" released. The
atlas contains what I've heard quoted as "grainy photocopies" of
the original maps, difficult to read or use. The collection does
have some improved installation routines for Windows 95 users, and
the CD contains a brief sneak-preview sequence from the game
Ultima: Ascension, and some video
interviews with Richard Garriott. Also, all of the original
documentation has been ported into Windows Help format, complete
with the original graphics, which is nice.
All in all, this product is a mixed bag - a few new things, but as
for the original games themselves, not much going for it. And at
$34.95 direct from EA (more in most retail venues), unless you're
new to the Ultima series or otherwise couldn't find copies of the
older games, there's isn't much incentive to pick this product
up. |